writer singer • songwriter • music producer • painter • yogi • mermaid

I am a woman who rises before the sun to play with beautiful words. Hang me upside down and I’ll daydream inside the ocean. My imagination sparkles with songs that somehow sing and dance their way through my body into this realm. I dip my fingers into bright colors and I always make a mess. My work can be intense and still my heart smiles lightly, remembering to be young. I walk the path of yoga, tending to an inner garden. The art you see here is the blossoming fruit I gather along the way. I’m currently living in Bali and writing a fantasy novel about musical mermaids.

writing on blog
livestreams for studio members
songs on Spotify
videos on YouTube
paintings in online shop
breadcrumbs on Twitter

Cha’s creative work is inspired by her deep connection to nature and the human body. Playfulness, freedom, wild creative expression, presence, togetherness, sensuality, and love are core themes in her work. She is inspired by sunsets, rainbows and zephyrs. She loves listening and being in flow; silence, stillness, solitude, surrender. She believes spirituality and creativity are one and the same. You can look for these themes of spirituality, creativity and healing in her artwork, which is often created as personal therapy. She sees humans as multi-passionate creatures playing inside of miraculous body-minds.

She holds an Master of Theology (MTheol) from the University of St. Andrews. Her fascination with spirituality blossomed when she was a teenager. and it has led her on deep explorations through multiple religions and healing modalities. She got her feet wet with Christianity and quickly moved on to investigate, through research and personal experience, Quakerism, Yoga, Buddhism, Internal Family Systems, psychedelics and PLUR culture via raves and music festivals, art therapy through songwriting, music production, abstract expressionism painting and creative writing, solo travel, and freediving.

Through all of this, she has felt particularly called to understand women’s spirituality, the divine feminine and yin practices. She is drawn to working with chakras and energy in the human body, especially acknowledging the interplay between sensuality, sexuality and spirituality. She has upheld a daily journaling practice since the age of 12, which is the foundation from which all of her other art and practice grow. She began practicing yoga asana when she was 21 years old and has been teaching yoga since 2011. 

In 2024, she is diving deeper into Tantric Buddhism and Somatic Meditation. She is releasing a new song on the first Friday of each month and she is completing her first novel. She lives a bohemian polyamorous lifestyle and she’s currently nomadic — bouncing around the world spending quality time with people she loves, finding solitude to continue her deep work, creating beside the oceans, and playing with mermaids.   

If you’d like to keep up with her, become a Studio Member. Studio members are her students, fans and patrons of her artwork. Studio members have access to exclusive content including, private livestreams, behind the scenes videos and vlogs, video archives, connection with her curated online community and direct chat with Cha herself. 

a brief biography

Born into an adventurous British-American family, she grew up in the forests and fields of the Snoqualmie Valley near Seattle, Washington, USA. Her earliest years were lived in the Alaskan snow and Californian sand. She started traveling alone at a young age, visiting family in England and spending time as an exchange student in France and Spain. She spent her early twenties in Scotland studying Theology and Spanish at The University of St. Andrews, living in a Harry Potter dream. During this chapter of life, she began her yoga journey one summer at an Ashtanga Vinyasa retreat in the mountains of Portugal. Immediately she took to teaching. After graduation she began writing for Scottish magazines which led to her first opportunities to work as a photographer. In her final year in Scotland she photographed weddings and womens portraits. Fulfilled in Europe and excited to join the American creative entrepreneur workforce, she moved home and started working in the social media department at CreativeLive. Surrounded by the world’s best photographers on a daily basis, she was on fire with inspiration. She quit her reliable paycheck and dove full force into her own business, photographing women in a makeshift portrait studio in her parents basement. Six months into business she was burned out and bought a one-way-on-a-whim ticket to Hawaii. She worked as a wedding and portrait photographer on the beaches of Maui. Six months later she returned to Seattle and spent the next seven years growing two successful portraits photography & videography companies working with children, artists, fashion designers, and entrepreneurs. Videography quickly took priority over still images as Cha discovered her love and natural inclination to tell stories in motion.

During this time of business growth and networking, Cha also continued training in Baptiste Power Vinyasa and Yin styles of yoga and taught regular classes at yoga studios in Seattle. For a couple years, she also enjoyed being the on campus yoga instructor for Nintendo of America. When her love of singing and music surfaced at the age of 25, she started chanting for her yoga students and eventually began writing songs, recording albums, producing music and playing on local stages. Fueled by PLUR fever, enthusiasm for EDM, raves and music festivals, she self taught piano, guitar, songwriting and Ableton Live. With the arrival of COVID, Cha stepped away from her big music dreams, in studio yoga teaching and photo shoots. She turned her attention to fitness, painting and live-streaming her creations and teachings on social media. She rented a large artist loft in Sodo, Seattle where she spent two years making a giant colorful mess. She developed painting skills, taught yoga classes online and in person, threw DJ parties, produced two music albums, hosted women’s circles, and grew an online audience that accepts and celebrates her multi-passionate approach to life and business. She has found joy, peace and success by combining all of her interests into one brand. You’ll find her paintings in the background of her yoga videos, her own music playing in the background as she paints and her own writing read aloud on livestreams. Her business is now a collaboration between all the parts of her personality, allowing full expression and celebrating inner freedom.

Her paintings are for sale. She has released over 30 songs | listen on Spotify & Apple Music. She teaches yoga online and you can join her online studio and participate in her daily creative process — subscribe to her OnlyFans & YouTube

International Baccalaureate Diploma (2007)
Master of Theology from The University of St. Andrews (2011)
Laughter Yoga Leadership Training with Manda Stretch (2011)
200hr Yoga Teacher Training with Brenda Lowe, Chill Out Yoga Scotland (2011-2012)
200hr Yoga Teacher Training with Lisa Black, Shakti Vinyasa Yoga Seattle (2014)
Teacher Assisting Program, Shakti Vinyasa Yoga Seattle (2014)
Teacher Mentorship Program, Shakti Vinyasa Yoga Seattle (2015)
Internal Family Systems Therapy for Coaches (2021)
Somatic Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Carlos Romero of Living Inspired at The Yoga Barn, Bali (2022)

Cha has taught yoga since 2010 and trained 500+ hours with master teachers in the styles of Ashtanga, Baptiste Power Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin. Her creative and healing work is inspired by the chakras and the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model of psychotherapy.

Her first yoga teachers were Peter Askew and Sue Billington, Evolution Retreats, Portugal (2010)
Most impactful workshops with Brandon Compagnone, Annie Carpenter and Ana Forrest

yoga teaching experience
Yoga Teacher, Mariposa Yoga Scotland (2011-2013)
Yoga for Youth Tennis Athletes, Redmond Athletic Center (2015-2017)
Yoga Teacher, Nintendo of America (2014-2018)
Yoga Teacher, Shakti Vinyasa Yoga (2014-2020)
Yin Yoga Teacher, Yoga Bliss (2016-2018)
Cha Wilde Yoga Classes (2020-present)

live music performances for yoga
Live Music for Yoga Northwest Yoga Conference (2016)
Doe Bay Retreats with Josephine Silverwolf (2018-2020)
Nuture Yoga Retreats with Carrie Johnsen
Yin Yoga Workshops with Jo Parsons
Yoga Classes with Tina Templeman

live music performances
Columbia City Theater, Seattle (2017)
Art on the Rooftop, Seattle (2018)
The Fun House, Seattle (2018-2019)
The Black Dog Cafe, Snoqualmie (2020)
Conor Byrne, Ballard Seattle (2020)