Never Doubt Yourself, Do All That Depends on You

Never doubt yourself.
Do all that depends on you.
You are music — you are every genre.
That’s why you’re here.

What do you mean Timbaland? Welcome to my dark magic music classroom. Today we’re talking about this: Why do you waste your time doubting yourself? Doubt is the shitty voice in your head. Where did these little devil thoughts come from? Inner speech can take almost any form from making lists, playing out past conversations, imagining scenarios and making up fucking lies aka untruths about ourselves. I bet you’re going to be plagued by doubt until the day you die. Stop trying so hard to stop the doubts. Instead, just accept that they’re going to be there and let them leave. Do not let them stop you. Doubt is just a though or a feeling. It is not you and it does not control you or your action. You are what you choose to do and be. Not the thoughts. What will not exist if you don’t do it? You are a human. That means you are an expression of emotion. Does Sophia the robot have emotions? Can you make music? What would the robot say if we asked her, “Are you music?” As a human, you can find something for YOU in every genre of music. Every genre touches on the same stuff in it’s own way. As a listener of music, you can find yourself in all kinds of music. You can find yourself in all humans. You’re here to create the thing that only you can create, expressing the emotions that come out of you, to connect with the emotions that are coming out of everybody else, so you can participate in that sharing. You are here so you can feel what other people and other people can feel what you feel. We’re all feeling this experience together. Together, WE are all the genres and we are all the music, so why would we doubt ourselves? Anything you do is a valid expression of you. What depends on you that is INSIDE of you? You doubt because you’re afraid because you don’t know what’s going to happen. Of course, you don’t know what’s going to happen. Nobody does. So just get in there and do it and delight in the pleasure of seeing it unfold before you. Don’t waste any time or precious energy trying to figure it out. Now I just get to enjoy it for what it is. When you don’t listen to the doubts, you get to enjoy your creations the way other people enjoy it.

Never doubt yourself.
Do all that depends on you.
You are music — you are every genre.
That’s why you’re here.

Go buy your pair of Wilde Leggings!
*Remember, you get extra long foot massages in Savasana if you show up to my yoga class wearing Wilde Leggings! ;)