Music Transforms the Existential Nightmare into a Magical Miracle

I've been making mixtapes since I was a kid and wearing my headphones everywhere I go. In my young years this was just natural and with age I've made it more intentional. I realize the music in my ears keeps me safe from the unpredictable energies around me in the world. Just click play and I travel into my own universe, life feels like a movie, I'm immersed in my own energy and able to creative whatever mood I to feel. Music is magic. I've known it since I was little and now that I'm all grown up, I just want to keep going with it. More music, more magic, more spreading of love, more feeling of all the feelings, more being lost inside the sound. When we're awake, fully awake, life feels beautiful and horrible. It's miraculous and terrifying. Put on the music. It sooths the soul and helps us keep going in rhythm. It helps hold us when the existential dread nervously rattles through our bones and the bloodstream is uneasy. Phew. It's a lot. Music helps. Music helps. ❤ Love, Cha