'I Am a Genius' Post-It Note

Hello wilde ones,

In 2018 I wrote “I am a genius” on a post-it note.

I put it above my computer to keep my moral high as I learned to produce electronic dance music.


Teaching myself to play music and use complex programs like Ableton Live was such an uphill effort. Entering into the music industry in my mid-twenties I felt like I had SO MUCH catching up to do. It was intimidating and I was bombarded with fear and doubt AND YET I was full of dreams, enthusiasm, passion, hope and belief. Full of determination and discipline. My friends supported me so hard, constantly reminding me that I was talented and capable. To this today they are still cheering me on and making sure I know how excited they are to see me perform my next big show on stage. They’re inside the dream and the real work with me. Davey (my husband) started calling me ‘Kanye’ a few years ago to emphasize that I’m a wildcard, genius who has something unique to offer and I don’t give a flying fart what anyone else thinks. I’ll do what I want and what I want to do is great. (I also have a post it note that says “Kanye”.

Reading “I AM A GENIUS” everyday, gave me permission to be myself and helped me feel free to be experimental and believe that my random ideas might actually be good and worth sharing. I love this post-it note so much. I just put it on a shirt. I hope you find the guts to wear it and find your truth in it.

I painted the watercolor abstract in the background when I was on Orcas Island at a yoga retreat. Before COVID I would travel to Orcas twice a year to perform live music for the yoga students and in our free time we would soak in the spa and paint. At the time I made this pretty little abstract I was practicing creating without thinking. Just watching how the colors merge into each other.

So much love,
Cha Wilde
