Musical Storytelling with Cutting Edge Real Characters in a Magical World

1.17.2024 | Beside the pool, Inside a Cloud, Hawaii

Dear friend,

What feels new and cutting edge right now?

As I write my novel, I’m tapping into my knowledge of chakras, Internal Family Systems, Human Design, and the Enneagram to build realistic characters; characters that have rich inner worlds and dynamic psychology. The characters in my story are based off of the parts of my personality and people in my real life. I am excited to show through my characters the dynamics of human relationships and demonstrate that we are multiple, that we are spiritual creatures.

I’m currently reading “The Secrets of Character” by Matt Bird — super helpful for learning tips to make your characters more believable, impactful, relatable.

What does a healthy, balanced, fully expressed human being look like? This is my field of research, experimentation, and creation.

Getting know myself is getting to know the world I live in, the reality I’ve created. When I am magical, the world is magical.

How magical is this world we live in? If magic is not a dead thing of the past before science, it is alive and well and I want to show people how to tap into it through fantasy.

I want to help people come alive with passion for living and the best way I know how to do this is to show how I see the world. It’s a magical realm brimming with beauty. Slow down to be with it. Slow down to enter the portal. The mystical awaits in your imagination. what can you see in the invisible all around you? Do you a ink into or rise up to be with it?

I am also integrating music into my storytelling. This feels very cutting edge and playful. Music is helping me uncover the story as I write it.

I am eager to share more about my creative process but for now, I must employ discipline. I must bite my tongue. I am in a deep focus zone right now with this book. To share what I’m doing in detail feels too raw. It’s still too precious. I’m still in the incubator. I need to create more before I reveal it to you. I need to show it to you rather than just tell you about it. Thanks for sticking around my friends!

Love & Rainbows, Cha Wilde

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