Cha Wilde

Do It Trembling if You Must, But Do It

Cha WildeComment

My knees were literally shaking in the stage lights and I couldn't stop the quivering in my voice into the microphone. I was performing for the first time last night on stage at the Columbia City Theater and I was loving every minute of it - totally LOVING it and yet the butterflies were still fluttering like crazy in my stomach. I tried to breath deeply and press my feet into the floor to stay grounded. I closed my eyes and pretended I was singing in my room. I told myself this is exactly where I belong, where I'm meant to be. Relax. Breath. Keep singing. Phew.

And then suddenly it was over and my boyfriend was spinning me in circles and making out with me in the corner of the empty theater. My three closest guy friends were there to support me - nobody else was able to make it and I was the opening nobody else was there anyway. And still, I was nervous. And still it was exciting. The first one is always the hardest right?

It's so important to feel scared, nervous and shaky. I used to always avoid these uncomfortable situations because they were uncomfortable and nobody likes feeling uncomfortable. But the magic happens OUTSIDE the comfort zone. Feeling nervous and afraid is not a sign you should stop, it's a sign you should keep going. It means you care. It means you're being pushed to a new level. It means things inside you are being stirred up and something magical is happening in your life. Thinking about stuff doesn't get you anywhere. It's only when you take action, even if you're feeling butterflies and shaky knees, that you see results and new opportunities arise. "If your knees are shaking, you're on the right track."

Afterwards I went out to sushi to celebrate with my boyfriend. He had to cover the bill because on the way to the restaurant I used the last of my money to buy dinner for a homeless man. He wanted ice cream but I insisted he got a protein bar. ha! Nutrients people! Before that night, I never helped homeless people. But the final song I performed in my set at the Columbia City Theater was "Be the Exception" - a song about acting differently than everybody else and setting an inspiring example for the world. Everybody walks past homeless people, including me. But after performing that song on stage, I had no choice but to practice what I preached. My own performance changed my behavior and I've been helping homeless people ever since. Music can change the world. // Cha