Cha Wilde

multi-passionate woman & inner freedom guide

Whose story am I telling?

WritingCha Wilde1 Comment

Amed, Bali

Dear Reader,

Again I’ll try to explain this novel I’m writing, this story I’m telling. Who’s story? Not clear to me. It’s blurry but I see a hazy shape. Am I telling the story of a wild sunflower who loved a pirate. Can her heart shatter into a million rainbows? There is a siren, a Waterman, a sisterhood of mermaids. There is a mystical ship that hates men. Voices are trapped in throats. Silence is endured. There is starving and seduction. I can tell you the story of how fiercely a woman can fight to survive. I can introduce you to a bloodthirsty huntress. I can take you into a world that delights in mischief. Together we can live for pleasure. Let’s float on the waves of whimsy and poison our lovers. Whose story am I telling? My world is expanding with so many parts and characters I can hardly keep track. Let’s keep going and pray it starts to make sense.

Love & Rainbows,
Cha Wilde