singer • songwriter • music producer • writer • yogi • mermaid

Cha’s work is playful and deep. She produces electronic music in Ableton, singing her own lyrics, writing melodies on piano and guitar. She writes songs and stories about mermaids, pirates, freediving, falling in love, adventure, dreams, sparkles, freedom, magic, rainbows, stars, wonder and beauty.

Cha has released over 60 songs.
You can listen on Spotify & Apple Music.
Watch her play on YouTube.

Become a studio member to dive behind the scenes of her creative process.

Cha is also devoted to her spiritual explorations, which are intertwined with her creativity. Her morning ritual includes sunrise prayer, weightlifting, yoga, somatic meditation, Internal Family Systems, journaling and vocal exercises. After that she free flows through the day creating music, writing, teaching yoga, leading IFS women’s circles, laying on the beach, diving in the ocean, and reading as many books as possible.

Cha lives a nomadic lifestyle, bouncing around the world to enjoy quality time with humans she loves. She’s spent the past couple years in South East Asia soaking in sunsets and freediving with mermaids. She is also in the slow process of writing her first novel.

You can join Cha on her adventures. Read her blog. She’s been documenting her life journey in writing since 2001, publishing online since 2007.

In 2024, she is releasing a new song on the first Friday of each month. Subscribe to her newsletter for updates.