Creating a New Song Everyday is Addictive

I’ve never given thought before right now of the similarity between the two words “journey” and “journal”. I journal to document and process my journey.

At the moment, my journey is all consuming, busy and rather strenuous. I’m writing a brand new song everyday. Were I climbing a mountain, I would be deep in a thicket of brambles looking out at the most glorious views. I spend all day taking one step forward at a time, working my way through heavy challenges and all the while I’m completely mesmerized by the beauty of what I’m seeing before me.

Every morning I awake with a slight anxiety and an intense focus of what must be done before bedtime. I’m 100% committed although perhaps 99% is more accurate given that 1% of my mind keeps wondering if/when we should stop this challenge. How can I possibly stop now that I’m going and everyday holds a delicious surprise!

A new song everyday is like a new baby everyday. What will it be like? How will it feel to hold it in my body. I must keep going for this curiosity alone is addictive and has be engaged with life again in a new way.

I’m leveling up through the hardest most rewarding work and never am I complaining about it in my mind. This is work I love to do and when I’m doing it I think of nothing else. Songwriting has my gripped attention.

When I need a rest I paint and film myself playing with paint. The colors and physical movements are so tangible, simple and pretty. They are grounding for my while music gets me so high. I heard once that musicians and songwriters especially are always flying high in our heads, imaginations, stories, fantasies and emotions. We need kids, family, responsibilities and paint to keep us grounded.

I’ve been scared to fully commit myself back into my fitness and yoga routine. I think a part of me is afraid that my self care rituals will take up all the hours of my day and I won’t be able to get the songs done. Another part of me says, “Well that’s just tough shit because we can’t give up on caring for our bodies and a 10min stretch doesn’t do the trick. You know it. You know that a solid fitness routine that burns energy gives you more energy back! The songwriting project will only benefit from your dedication to physical health. Don’t hold back. Push harder on your mat and it’ll make it easier to push in your art.” 
