For the Love of Words and Deep Conversations

I wake up to his text message. He’s sent me his word of the day. He wishes he’d chosen it from the pages of a paper dictionary but all of his beloved dictionaries are back home in a box in Germany. He’s surviving with a digital dictionary app on his iPad and looking for something new and beautiful everyday. I delight in the joy of his discoveries of the English language. demur. abloom. ebullient. dulcet. 

I put down my phone and luxuriate in the coastal breeze traveling through my house this morning, like every morning m. I’ve wrapped a robe around my naked body. I’m rolling cacao on my tongue and opening my ears wider, hoping to understand the precious words the birds are speaking. I pick up my phone to text him back. I have my own beautiful words to share. bedizen. concupiscente. pizzazz. For weeks I’ve been swimming in silky disbelief. I’ve encountered another human being who shares my passion for words. He also shares my passion for stretching. He is a linguist and a yoga teacher. He wants to do nothing but be still and observe the world. How sublime. 

It’s the afternoon now and I’ve made my way through town to my favorite cafe, the one with the best green juice and floral jasmine tea. I came here to produce music but my headphones are sitting on the table. My new song is patiently waiting for my attention to return to the computer but I’ve been distracted.

Distraction is inevitable at this small town cafe, especially when I sit at the communal table. Friends was in every ten minutes and hugs go around. Suddenly, I’m offering an impromtu workshop on human hormones. Men and women, their ears raised all around the globe, lean in to listen to the knowledge I’ve carried to Amed. The cafe is eavesdropping on my perspective. Everyone wants to know how to live better. I have answers that make sense to everyone at the table.

This is vaguely what I share with them….

With understanding of how our bodies work, we empower ourselves to intentionally structure our lives in a way that facilitates inner peace and harmony between the sexes. I’ve been speaking more openly about hormones lately, specifically the way I structure my life around them almost religiously. Everything I do is mapped on my hormone calendar. When I teach yoga, when I paint and perform, when I book airplane tickets, when I go on dates, when I stay up late, when I stay home alone to pray, when I look at financial spreadsheets, when I confront people for difficult conversations, ALL of it is in accordance with the timing of my hormone cycle.

Yes, I am the moon cycle. I bleed when the moon is full, in the spirit of fullness and release and wild creation. I am a witch focused on self actualización and offering spiritual guidance to other humans, showing both men and women who to live full of spirit in harmony with the world. You could say all this about me and I have such fun writing in these flamboyant ways. I can also be very down to Earth about it. Let’s focus on evolution. We are all directing our creative energy toward the next step in our evolution. That creative energy manifests as the next generation of humans and it also manifests as the next generation of culture expressed through our art and spiritual beliefs. My writing a new song, I am contributing to our evolution. My hormones play a role in guiding me through these cycles of creation. I could go on and on because it’s my living experience and experiment. If this interests you, start attending my online workshops. I talk about this stuff in richer detail during my livestreams with studio members.

Sign up to become a studio member. 

I enjoy discussing the difference between male and female hormones cycles and how couples can sync up their lifestyles to support each other’s hormone driven activities and emotions. This feels like life coaching but I truly see it as part of the creative and spiritual process that is relevant to life as an artist and yoga teacher. It’s not my area of expertise but it’s an area of fascination that is behind the art and yoga that I share.

Moving on… My new friends at the cafe are eager to include me in their freediving social group. “You must come diving with us! We go everyday day!” Everyday is overkill for me. My hormones say no thank you haha Maybe once a week for me. I am excited to spend more time creating art. 

I point to the laptop that’s holding all my new songs in progress. They want to know if I’ve been dancing in my chair to music I wrote or if its other peoples songs that have me vibin’ in public. I proudly smile and declare, “My own music! I’m dancing to my own music.” I know I make a bit of a scene in the cafe with my arms waving around in the air like willow branches. My head bobs and my hips wriggle on the cushion. I have to feel the new music in my body. If I start dancing involunarily, we’re on the right track. When my body fall into stillness and my forehead scrunches together then I’m back at the drawing board to sherpard the sounds into alignment.

I love to produce music in public places. I’m inspired by that little bit of performance pressures. I know people can see me and I can’t help but dance. I feel cool in my craft. I enjoy my creativity being a little performance. AND me dancing in the cafe as I produce inevitably catches attention and most days I’m passing my headphones to people so they can listen to what I’m working on. Within an hour I have a new listener on Spotify and a new friend in my phonebook. It’s a personal marketing strategy.

I’m distributing my songs directly to the ears of people out in the wild. They got to meet the artist at work. I got to create inside the living world rather than locked away in the studio all the time. I love locking myself away for the raw vulnerable moments so I can fully unleash in the way we only can when we are truly alone. Even then, in those private moments, I embarrass myself with what I sing. I cringe at my improvisations but pat myself ont he back for expressing courageous. I listen through at the cafe and cringe again at the out of tune and cheesy lyrics I sang. I listen through until I find the golden nuggets and I massage those into the next song. I might record in private for an hour to pick out ten minutes of great singing which edits down to three minutes of final song.

I explained all of this to my curious companions at the coffee house. My headphones laid there, patiently. They’ve heard it all before. They want to get back to work but I’m thoroughly enjoying this wave of socializtaion. I am a social butterfly fresh out of the cocoon. 

Love & Rainbows,
Cha Wilde

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