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You know what you want. Yes, you do. Confused? Sure. Overwhelmed? Sure. So many options. I understand. How to decide? Stop thinking. Thinking isn’t going to give you an answer, not one you love, not one that satisfies you to the core of your being. You can’t hear yourself when you’re thinking. Too many voices, right?

Pour your coffee. Stare out the window.
Sit with me. Close your eyes. Let’s feel your answer. Wriggly, hard to sit still. I know. Don’t worry.

Who has the answer you’re looking for? Where is it? What are you longing to hear? What if I leaned in and whispered into your ear, right now, the answer you’ve been waiting for, the answer to your askings, desires, longings, strivings? As the coin flips in the air, you know if you want heads or tails. As the air leaves my lips, you know the words you want to hear. Listen to the answer that rises up from below. Listen to your wisdom that sits, steady in your deepness, the quiet seat of your soul.

The definition of trust is “to believe in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of”. Do you believe in your ability to know what you want? Do you believe in your strength to make your dreams a reality? Do you believe the quiet whisper that only you can hear is the truth for you? Have you been giving yourself the opportunity to be reliable? Reliable for others, sure, that’s almost easier, isn’t it? What about reliable to the little one inside of you, the little one who looked up at the sky and saw dinosaurs and ice cream cones, the little one who wanted to fly to the stars, the little one who wanted to save all the polar bears, the little one who wanted to wear a cape every day forever? Can that little one rely on you? Perhaps, it’s time for you to smile down into your being and sense the truth that has been with you all along. How sweet does trust feel?

If you give yourself only one thing, give yourself trust. Look yourself dead in the heart.
Step boldly into truth. You know what you want.