The Magic Inside Humans

September 30, 2022 - Ubud, Bali
- Manifesting friendship

“I am growing tired of being alone, wondering what magic I’m missing…”

I stopped writing this sentence midway because a woman sat down beside me. In that very moment I had been wondering what magic (in other people) I was missing by keeping to myself. I didn’t want to socialize just for the sake of socializing. I wanted to connect with the right humans, the ones that would fill me up with energy rather than drain my precious energy. I’ve been alone, deeply alone, for days and in this moment at The Yoga Barn cafe, a little light switched on inside me. I realized I wasn’t wanting to socialize. I was wanting to feel magic flow into my life through another human being. In that moment I felt to the core of my being that Bali is a beautiful magical place to explore alone and yet the magic that makes me bubble with joy is sparked by human connection. I asked this question…. “What magic am I missing?” And Louise introduced herself.

An hour later, the next line I wrote in my journal was “Thank you universe for delivering immediately.”

We first spoke about how our beanbags were awkward to sit on. We laughed. I was drawn into her beautiful face and energy without question or hesitation. I wanted to be her friend from the moment I laid eyes on her. From our first words, we were a match. Over the next day of conversation we discovered astounding similarity in our lifestyles, lifepaths, personalities, passions and energy. This woman is EXACTLY the woman I was hoping and needing to meet. How refreshing!

Thrilled to have met, we wiped our mouths, threw down the napkins and set off to the Ecstatic Kirtan to chant the names of the divine and wiggle our bodies. The next day…

I walked through a monsoon, water running over my ankles on the street. I found Louise smiling in the rain. We discovered our shared love of music and our background of partying at music festivals in the backseat of stop and go traffic. We were being driven to The Pyramids of Chi. It was Louise’s idea. I had no idea what I was getting into.

We laid on waterbeds and our bodies vibrated as the speakers beneath the bed played electronic music to awaken and balance our chakras. A live musician played the flute, rattle and giant gongs. Strobe lights flashed in our eyes to guide us into deep healing meditation.

Session complete, Louise and I sat up and made big eyes at each other. We walked out of the giant pyramid grinning like fools. Rainbows had been dancing around her. I had been traveling through spinning mandalas through deep space. We ate chocolate and couldn’t stop laughing the whole way home.

Everything happens when I’m ready for it. I was ready to make a friend. I was ready to meet a woman who understands what I’ve moved through. I was ready to laugh. I was ready to open up and talk about my secret thoughts. I was ready to hear a story from a woman just like me who made different choices. I was ready to say yes to something totally mysterious. I was ready to remember that I discovered my magical superpower at the age of 6. — That was my big breakthrough on this musical waterbed. I travelled into deep space and I felt what I felt in my body at age 6. The body remembers. It showed me visual memories. I showed me one detail at a time, items in my house and the place where I laid down to nap in kindergarten. Beyond vision, it showed me physical sensations I experienced at that age, perhaps the most important physical sensation I’ve ever felt still to this day. Savasana. I experienced (or consciously acknowledged) deep Savasana for the first time when I was 6. I’d been trying to recreated that blissful floating feeling throughout my entire youth. I tapped into it again when I began practicing yoga. There is it! This is where my powers are; stunningly deep sensitivity to the physical body, every tiny fluctuation in the present moment. I would like to keep details beyond this to myself for sacred privacy. This experience at The Pyramids of Chi reconnected me with myself, who I knew myself to be and the world as I knew it, after six years of being alive on planet Earth. This relationship inside me is precious because I cannot help but feel abounding love for this child that I am.

Love & Rainbows,
Cha Wilde

Human and ducks in flooded rice paddies. The ducks come to swim after the rice has been harvested and the fields fill up with water.

The path I walk to The Yoga Barn.

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