I stayed up til 1am last night writing a song in response to the shooting in Las Vegas. It took me 2hrs to create this song start to finish and I recorded the entire process on video. I'll share that video this week but for right now, here is just a snippet of the song. this shooting hits home for me because it was at a music festival....my happy place. it could easily be me and my friends that were dancing one moment and running for our lives the next. the cover art for this song features photos of my husband and I having the time of our lives at #bumbershoot 2017 music festival in Seattle. I felt SO MUCH joy that night. it saddens my heart to imagine that joy being snatched away by a shooting...especially imagining if my husband was shot and killed in front of me when we'd just been dancing happily 5min earlier. instead of writing a sad song and focusing on the negativity (there is enough of that in the world already)
I offer this song and cover art to the world as a humble gesture of healing that honors the wonderful festivals and humans coming together to celebrate...to rise together from life's ugly challenges and still be able to see beauty in this world.
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