Somewhere In the Sky Above Japan

somewhere in the sky above Japan…

I’m producing a new song. This makes the time fly. Flights are easy for me now that I can make music on the computer. I get sucked into deep flow. This is the kind of time I pray for at home; long stretches of uninterrupted creation! At home I also don’t want to sit for long periods of time on the computer. On a flight I was destined for sitting anyways so bring on the music machine!

Before leaving, I recorded a few songs into Ableton so I have material to play with. I can usually pump out 2 songs a month so I think I’ll be occupied. Of course, I miss my microphone.

It’s too heavy for me to carry on this trip. Plus, now I’m also spoiled with a vocal booth at home. All my new songs have top quality audio for vocals and my old DIY approach isn’t as exciting these days. Remember when I hauled my recording equipment to Europe in 2018? My backpack was stuffed and security people had to disassemble my bag to inspect the instruments EVERY TIME.

So it’s sensible to travel without the microphone and still I miss it. As I work on these songs I always want to sing a little something extra, adding more vocal samples and silly mouth sounds for the percussion samples.

A part of me wants to travel with all my toys (I need groupies and a van) and another part of me curses the fact I ever fell in love with heavy instruments… life was lighter loads when I only used a yoga mat and a camera.

Speaking of lightening my load… I can feel my Seattle life tagging along for the plane ride, my thoughts still whirling with work tasks and habits. I don’t mind it because I know I usually take a few days to slow down my business momentum. So I carry on with my habits; the journaling, music production, social media posting and email checking. It doesn’t take much to shake it all off though, just a touch of nature and a human smile can woo me away from the screens. When I land in a new place, my senses will awaken and the phone will disappear deep in my pocket. I prefer to minimize the quantity of photos I take when exploring. Capture the essential and be present the rest of the time.

On this airplane (with 7 extra hours added to the first flight — we turned around after flying for 2.5hrs because we needed to switch planes) I created a few videos for you.

  1. Painting Upside Down in Yoga Hammock - My Final Creative Moment in My Art Studio (on YouTube)

  2. Upside Down Painting — Musical Video to “Hello My Love” (available for studio members)

  3. The Final Moments in My Studio; Painting the Orange Wall, Canvas Scrolls and One Last Swing (available for studio members & newsletter subscribers)

While you watch those, I will be exploring. Life is surprising me with a day in South Korean airport.

Love & Rainbows, Cha Wilde

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