Cha Wilde & The Friz: How We're Leveling Up As Electronic Music Producers [ZOOM CALL]

Tori and I were hanging out on Zoom (cuz we're friends) — this woman is my music production soul sister. Before I met Tori (on Instagram BTW) I was making beats alone in my room and hanging out with acoustic songwriters who didn’t understand my abstract soundscapes that represented my travels through the chakras. Then I met Tori and realized there are other women out there who want to make music that keeps us lost in daydreams!

Tori is in my book club (along with a bunch of people around the world) and we' are nurturing our creativity together. We’ve just finished the first chapter of the book “Recovering a Sense of Safety” and its’ inspiring us to explore in new directions, level up and take ourselves more seriously as artists and revive passions from our childhood.

● Go find Tori: Website | Spotify
● Join our book club: We're reading 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron. It's not just me and Tori ha! I'm inviting people from around the whole planet to go on this creative and spiritual journey with us. You read at your own pace and we meet up in Live Calls and small group chats to share our experiences, insights, challenges & breakthroughs. More info about The Artist’s Way Book Club.