My grandmother died today. Covid-19, amongst other things, attacked her body and she was so tired in the end she didn’t want to eat. My brother got dressed up in all the protective gear and was allowed in to be her last visitor. He made her laugh. Today, my family is with all of the families who are losing loved ones. Life becomes more beautiful because of death. I drank my tea and watched the little birds in the bush and the beautiful sun was shining so slowly on me. I can still see my grandma in my minds eye. I know what she looks like when she laughs and just that thought makes me feel her in my chest. I went to the store and bought pretzels today because those were her favorite snack. How much grief is in the human energy field right now and surely it is matched by equal depths of peace and gratitude. Today, I give you this sparkly little woman who will sit with you, eyes closed, absolutely pained and absolutely peaceful. She sits with you here in the center of the universe where you find stillness and everything moves around you. Rest your hands on your lap, breath deeply. Can you feel the invisible? Can you sense your connection to those who are always with you? Be still and know. You are never alone. We are all right here with you. Slow down and feel our pulse through the fabric of this universe. Feel what you cannot see.
She is with you and I love you.