The Artist's Way is Rising in Our Collective Consciousness After COVID

There' something going on, this book is in the air right now. The Artist’s Way is making its way off the shelves into the hands of artists around the globe. Now seems like a perfect time, after all these years, to finally read this book. Why now?

We are emerging from the cacoon. Months in quarantine, physically closing in and feeling the momentum of our previous lives crashing into us with some whip lash at we calibrate to our new way of being. This world in COVID has seen perfect conditions for the womb-like conditions required for new birth. We've curled inward, isolated, untrusting of the outside world. Now, as the shops open their doors and we cautiously enter with face masks pulled high, we are new beings in a new world. “Going back to normal” is a fixed, if not entirely foolish mentality. Life is change. The universe is expansion. What inside you is ready to be born? A new chapter begins and so do you!

I asked my friends and Instagram followers to join me in a book club. We are reading The Artist's Way. Why did all my friends say, “Yes and that's so weird because I was just thinking about buying that book!” and “Yes! I recieved that book as a gift years ago and I was feeling like this is the perfect time to start reading it finally!” A book club member just sent me a screen shot of his text thread with a friend. He had texted her a photo of his copy of The Artist's Way to tell her about it and she responded immediately with a photo of her book….which she had been holding in her hand, pulling it off the shelf, when she received his message!


This thrilling synchronicity makes complete sense in my mind. The reason I felt so compelled to launch this book club right now is the same reason everyone is gravitating towards this legendary book right now. We are reentering the world and we are exploring new ways to be, to interact, to express ourselves, to push our limits with fresh appreciation for life. The Artist's Way is a workshop, a course, that leads grown humans back inside themselves so they can reconnect with their child self, the playful little artist inside who wants to make something silly and experiment fearlessly with glee! This book guides you back to the beginning places in your creative soul, dark corners where wounds and dreams are hiding, and then guides you step by step back out into the world as a mature artist aligned with purpose and grounded intention.

Of course, this books is rising to the surface and people all around the world are reaching for it, pulling it off their shelves and mentioning it to their friends. COVID, quarantine, BLM and whatever else 2020 has brought our way, have humbled us back to our basics and now with help from great teachers like Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, we get to wash our faces, sharpen our pencils and march back out onto the creative playground with a “New school year, new me.” kind of attitude.

Join the Cha Wilde book club and explore The Artist's Way journey with me and the other amazing humans in my deepening circle. It's a 1 year adventure and you can start anytime and slide right into the sharing sharing circle with us.