Join me for naked yoga classes & beautiful tantric flows on OnlyFans.
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Surprisingly, students (who are normally distracted by sexy yoga teachers lol) have told me the they can focus better when the teacher is naked because the mystery beneath the clothing is removed.

They can just see a human form in all its details. We get straight to the point with nothing more to hide. With all the skin showing, I am able to more clearly point to and demonstrate the how the anatomy of the human body functions together. I can show my students how movements and poses pull through the skin.

I also notice a difference in my teaching when I’m wearing clothes vs when I’m naked. I often prefer to teach naked because being seen in my raw state, bare and exposed, helps me be more real, down to earth, playful, and creative. It’s not just me. Humans, all of us, seem to feel a massive shift within when the clothing comes off. “Imagine your audience naked” is not actually as powerful as “get naked in front of your audience”. Sure, at first it’s nerve racking to expose it all. I hesitated before taking my clothes of in front of people for the first time and I defintely thought long and hard before I started offering these naked videos online. I followed my curiosity, trusted my Self and the power of authentic connection. Now, birthday suit yoga flows and classes are pleasantly normal for me. I hope nudity (and a little sensuality sprinkled in) is or becomes normal and fun for you as well. Once the novelty wears off, what we’re left with is a gentle realness.

Hello all my nudist friends out there — you know what I’m talking about. Isn’t it liberating to sit in the naked company of someone else? All is striped away and it’s just us, together.

Many students start practicing naked after taking class with me a few times. They fall in love with it. Feeling skin to skin contact with yourself is powerful portal to presence and cultivating self love. Stop hiding and see yourself exactly as you are; pores, hairs, pimples, cellulite, wrinkles, tan lines, random bumps, scars, fleshy bits and moist dark areas with smells, veins below the surface and all the marks you’ve added along the way. This is you being with you. Your human body is beautiful.

And if you’re here because you simply like looking at a naked woman…hello to you too. I completely understand. There is nothing to be ashamed of or hide. All parts are welcome. Let’s talk about this openly so we can grow from it. You’re spending time with me and for that I am grateful. Many of my students came into my online studio as voyeurs and gradually they took deeper interest and began participating in classes that have ended up changing their lives in ways they didn’t expect. You might come here for me but you’ll stay here for yourself. Welcome to my world of mindful movement, tantric flow, magical musical fantasies, rainbows, and healing energy.


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