Opinions and Dragon Fire

“Everyone is asking me to create an album. This will be my first project and I know it’s desired because it has been specially requested. Music that is magical, that touches people deeply and really helps them feel alive in joy and peace, celebration and rest.

I’m either celebrating or resting, living with tenacity or gratitude. I’ve been meek around My Great Love, not living in my dragon fire energy, tiptoeing on emotions, soft voice. It’s luke warm and it’s gross.

I’m not giving myself enough credit. I have my shit together. I know how much work it takes to develop myself to this point. I believe in what I’m doing. I have opinions, one of which is to not cling tightly to one’s own opinions. I give more weight/credit to other people’s opinions out of respect and a desire to be respected as open-minded but in doing so I disrespect myself and my extremely valid opinions.

I have earned my opinions. I stand behind them powerfully. Call me whatever you want. I don’t care. I know who I am and what I believe and what I want. I do not need approval, permission or explanation.

When I look at photos of Music Love on Facebook, I feel love and attraction to him. I’m amazed that a talented handsome man is so incredible at communication and validation and vulnerability. He’s an incredible human and ‘package’. He’s totally exposed, transparent, visible. My Great Love is willing to share but he’s more mysterious.”

— from my journal | July 15, 2016

cha wilde