Less is More in Krabi

I wake up in this morning and enjoy a deepening connection with this body. I explore this beautiful world on bare feet, twirling down the open air hallways of this king’s palace, walking through this exotic run-down beach town, digging these hands into nature with sand beneath these fingernails, laughing with another artist, storytelling through digital devices, repeating these words, “LESS IS MORE.”

What a challenge! How can I embrace less when there is so much more I’m excited to create and experience? I want more. I also want less. How will less be more this time around? I know it always is. It just takes me a few days to slow down enough to understand. If this challenge is excess, what does the solution feel like?

So what does Thailand offer me? A simple beach life so far. The beach gives so much space, perspective, a return to ease. She draws my attention outwards into the epic beauty of the world around me. My gaze pulls out of the naval and broken pieces of heart to see the sparkles and shadows on the horizon.

Bali feels more like home each day I am traveling away from her. WTF is happening with the rest of the world? It makes less sense to me than it used to. This soul felt more at peace in Bali, looking out through the eyes and seeing the landscape of earth and humans as I had dreamed it could be. Bali may be the world I would have created.

I still like the idea of writing a book and maybe many more beyond the first. I am starting to wonder if I am actually in the process already and it just looks different than what I’d imagined it would be like. It is so natural for me to write like this I don’t even realize I’m doing it. What did I want to write about before coming on this trip? Oh ya, my lovers. Perhaps the final chapter is about myself. I am my greatest and final lover. Am I experiencing more love with less partners?

In Bali, I focused on listening. I moved in my own energy and created wide open space. I watched myself try to fill it with many different vices, comforts and experiments. I created space and I expanded to fill it. If less is more now, what does all this space look and feel like when I fill it will less? Allow the space to be more spacious. What magic will move in when I make room for it? More magic, less wondering. More presence, less wandering. Step back, release what I’ve been doing, let go of what I thought would be, fully accept this invitation to participate in the world in a new way.

The day is spent walking miles, washing sweat and sand off the skin. I tried to paint and didn’t feel like it. Sometimes art feels terribly forced. I stop and walk. This neighborhood took a toll from COVID. Most stores are closed or barely open, hoping tourists will sit for a meal or buy a plastic floating unicorn. Locals run down the beach in the morning, feed their babies on a beach blanket when the tide is out, lounge on their mats for dinner picnics at sunset. If I walk a couple miles I hit the strip of tourists; drunk Europeans, Botoxed lips, loud Americans, lines of Asian girls strolling in pretty dresses with linked elbows and sun hats. Every souvenir shop is selling exactly what ever other souvenir shop is selling. I bought a new journal (pink, teal and orange silk)! A new pink bikini, white butterfly lace cover up blouse, a white crochet tie around top, a few silk scarves for friends in America, a new bottle of Shea Butter lotion, leave in conditioner (travel is rough on hair), and Listerine mouthwash. The highlight of today and yesterday and tomorrow is the morning coffee and ink, pouring onto tongue and paper. I appreciate the open space here to be quiet and feel so deeply. Why do I love to feel so deeply and swim in the ocean of emotions? I always have and probably always will now. Why does a whale swim? No choice in the matter I suppose. I’m realizing how much I am in love with every element I am. The water fills me with feelings and washes me playfully. The air cheers me up with every breath and warm caress. The earth pulls me down into something I can trust and I hold hands with the sand. And I wait for the fire to light up the sky and burn in my muscles as I run.

Lay me back in a beachside armchair and run my feet for an hour as I watch the sunset… I’m YES PLEASE. I’ll be back again tomorrow and the next day. This is the gem that was hiding from me, giggling with delight when I followed a butterfly and walked into a peak moment of life.

Food. More vegetables please. Hard to find fresh veg and green juice. Energy is low due to lack of fresh veg. Send help. Less fried food and sugar here than in Malaysia, thank all the gods. More rice and spicy flavors than I’m used to eating. Less variety between restaurants; like the souvenir shops, most restaurants are serving the same dishes. More eating out than I’ve ever done in my life. Less money spent on food than in America buying groceries. More meals eaten alone with myself. Less self consciousness about being alone than used to bother me. I don’t even notice I’m on my own anymore. I’m just excited to eat.

More deep thoughts extracted from my journal, a typical dinner conversation with myself:

Who am I doing all this for anyway? Myself? Posterity? Strangers around the world? My family? Maybe I need to let it be different, more old school. Maybe not everything I originally envisioned and wanted…maybe something better if I truly allow myself to be shaped by this journey…release control and let it shape me. Maybe this journey will teach me to take only one magical photo a day.. It will peel me away from perfectionism, editing and comfort blankets. Maybe it will pull me away from relationships that no longer nourish and fill the tanks of love.

Love and Quiet Rainbows,

Cha Wilde