Exotic Treasures for My Beloved

All life is, is the universe living one dream after the other.

I saved the revered Tu Kab Khao thai restaurant in downtown Old Phuket for the celebration meal. Certificate in hand, I’m an advanced open water diver and I would like to eat some pumpkin curry, green mango salad and pad Thai pretty please. Oh, and a fresh young coconut to refresh the liquids in my body and a spoon to scrape out the meat for dessert!

I wandered the streets of Old Phuket for a few minutes. Morning matcha from Ryn and lunch from Tu Kab Khao mixing around in my belly, feeling a little dehydrated. It’s more challenging than I expected to stay full of water in Thailand. The two water bottles they set out for me in the hotel room each day are drunk in minutes and I’m constantly on the hunt for more. Do I seriously drink that much more than all the other humans? Am I the only one around here thirsty af? Lol I wander down the street, headed towards a pharmacy and then a little butterfly drew me into a deep dark shop. Two Thai ladies follow me around as I collect a little statue of a sea turtle, a sleeping cat, a mint green sarong, a pink artsy funky fashionable carry bag big enough to hold all my goodies and laptop when I travel by airplane. My eyes fall on a few treasures. My heart immediately desires to spend whatever the cost so I may send or carry these precious items home as gifts to the ones I love. Gift giving is a pleasure I feel deep in my torso, fluttering in my chest as I imagine the touch of love I can place on my beloved’s heart with a thoughtful something. “Here,” I imagine saying, “I traveled to the other side of the Earth and I have brought this home for you to enjoy. I could not have been further from you and yet I have never felt closer. I could not resist nor did I want to resist the urge I felt to pick up this beautiful treasure and bring it to your hands for your pleasure. Here my love, an exotic delight.”

“Only little things for yourself and big gift for him. That means something. That means he good man.” — said the shopkeeper.

love & rainbows,

Cha Wilde