Cha Wilde

multi-passionate woman & inner freedom guide

Another Beautiful Day to Be Naked

Cha WildeComment

naked in the hotub at lunchtime - float around with me for a moment. - Jan 31, 2024, Hawaii Big Island

This is my vibe when I’m decompressing from writing. I’m clocking about 4hrs of writing each morning and by the time the sun is high and hot, I’m in the mood to soak and surrender to a little silliness. Being naked in water is THE BEST! I am obsessed with the patterns of light on my skin. It’s magical…sparkles and glitter in the natural world. How are you unwinding from work today? What’s your favorite way to relax and feel playfulness come back into your body? 😘☀️

Another beautiful day of solitude and quiet…until the neighbor mowed his grass when I was napping. Lol I spent most of the day lounging and reading, stretching and eating pistachios. Apart from a one hour writing session in the afternoon (I wrote.a scene with the main characters eating fish in a secret hidden restaurant), today was.a rest day. I’ve been walking around the house naked, soaking in the hot tub, on the couch and on the bed. Comfy spot to comfy spot. Audiobooks kept me company all day (since I’m still waiting for my new Kindle to arrive in the mail…shipping to Hawaii takes age!). — I’ve been learning about writing techniques, how to connect more deeply with people, Buddhist meditation and angel investing. Which of those topics are you most interested in? :)